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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When dark comes, they flock together

I walked out this evening right before dark and saw an amazing thing. With all the political craziness in our country, a profound image made such a mark on me that I ran back inside to grab my camera in hopes to capture the moment.

The Merritt Chicks (The oldest chickens) have had a rough time letting the new guys (The Chix) just... "Be". They keep them huddled in the little coop and rarely allow them into the main coop except for when we are bringing out treats. Even then, we have to split the treat giving up into two groups with Joey giving the Chix their treats, and me giving treats to the Chicks.

Tonight tho, when the sunshine wasn't on them and it was time to settle in for the night, I saw the most amazing thing.

Every one of the Chickens were on the top perch. Lined up, all in a row, feather to feather. Their petty differences that are shown during the day under the glaring light, seem to fade away in the cool evening.

I'm not sure why, but it sure did do my heart good to see this.

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