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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pen expansion and Potato Barrels

Front and center, what the 55 gallon barrel looked like when we began.

Joey took the saws all and took the top off - remember to cut it out of the top, not around the side. Otherwise, when it gets hot, your barrel will fold in on itself.

Sharpie and a Dremel - fun combo. I dremeled the starter hols in the barrels.

Then came behind with the jig saw and finished cutting out the pattern. 8 holes total.

Dirt, Potatoes, Water. *VICTORY*

While I was working on the Potato Barrels, Joey started finalizing the pen expansion.

Building a "walk through" for the expansion.

and "walk through" they did! :)

From inside the pen.

The little chix are telling Jr. all about it.

Click here to watch The Merritt Chicks journey into their new expanded pen

We can't forget to check in on Jr.!

Merritt Chix get in on the expanded pen action

We also put some hay in the lay boxes for the big chicks. Only 2 months to go til we get some eggs...

Lexie even helped :)

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