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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Little brooder....Little Chicks

Luke welcoming the new baby Merritt Chicks home

Merritt Chicks in the smaller, more closed in area of the brooder Mrs. Phyllis gave us.

You'll see the brooder is made of plywood and we put newspaper down on the bottom. A lot of information we've gathered has come from Mrs. Phyllis, who states "Don't put new chicks on newspaper. It is to slippery for their feet to stand firmly on and their legs will "split out" and it will ruin them.

So we bought some Pine Shavings and the chicks enjoyed those much better.

When we put the chicks into the brooder for the first time, we set up the water and food. We dunked each chick's beak into the water so they could find it when they got thirsty.

They had no trouble finding the food.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

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