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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Snack Time and *SURPRISE*


Little Bit is a White Cochin, we found out by calling up to TBM and asking as that is where the neighbor got her from. So, we decided to look her up online to see what she will look like once she's grown. We've discovered she is deemed an "ornamental" breed of chicken. Not good for eggs (2 x a week) and not good to eat. Joey made a joke about "Well, you can sit on the couch and watch TV with me then." haha

So, our friend Ricky taught us a trick on how to tell what sex a chicken is. You basically hold them by the back of the neck like a cat. If they kick and squawk, they are roosters, if their legs straighten out, they are hens.

Guess what Little bit is?

You guessed it, A ROOSTER. So, we've decided to give our friend, Sparrow, the THREE Barred Rock Roosters we have, and we'll keep Little Bit as our Rooster.

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