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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Update on the chickens

Our chickens are thoroughly enjoying their yard tractor (we are too, saves a bunch on food!)

Four eggs a day are awesome! We've had a few double yolkers, too!

It's so hot today. Jr. is laying in the 'breezeway'.

Some of our 'pretties'.

The barred rocks are now as big as the Red and Goldens: Hoping to start getting eggs soon!

Aztec, one of our pretties chickens. She's an Ameraucana (easter egger) - I can't wait for them to start laying. They are the smallest of all our chicks.

Such a pretty picture of diversity! From left to right, Golden, Barred Rock, Americauna, Rhode island Red.

Pretty Americauna's!

Strutting her stuff

Aztec again. :)

I love the Cleopatra look she's got.


Beth said...

you got some pretty Girls

Heather Merritt said...

Thanks, Beth. :) They are so personable, too!