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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Merritt Chicks and Blueberries -oh...and 2 got....

OUT! There I was, minding my own business, treating the chickens to some yummy blueberries my dad gave me today. (They were yummy so I knew the chicks would love them).

I said, "Ya'll want a treat?" They look like they are anticipating something special here!

Check out this video of me hand feeding the chickens! (Please note the white bucket holding the blueberries also holds the swing door back).

Oh, that was fun! Let's see what happens when I try it this way!

It was right about that time when I put down the blueberries that were in my hands and started to type the description of the 2nd video into my phone. All of the sudden...

See....what had happened was.....

In my excitement over filming the chickens loving the blueberries so much, I inadvertently dropped a "few" blueberries outside the pen. Well, I'd missed it, but the chicks sure didn't. That was a barred rock up there, the first to escape. So, I attempt to coax him back into the pen with yet more blueberries (taking pictures of the effort of course)...

...and this happened.

Yes, that is a Golden Commit who decided to join us since it obviously looked like so much fun.

Now, after taking that picture, and attempting to corral the much calmer Golden Commit to no avail, I high tailed it to the back door where I begged for some "hurried" assistance.

Joey pulls the blinds back "What is it?"


Luke pokes his head around the curtain and does a Macauly Culkin face

Within moments, the boys were on the scene. Luke took the pen to keep the door open and the remaining chicks INSIDE. haha

Meanwhile, Joey and I began rustling our chicks toward the pen. The Golden Commit (of course) was MUCH easier to coax inside and she was in and safe in no time.


...the barred rock had a mind of her own! haha (Yes, that is the opposite side of the pen!) She was NOT havin' it!

Finally, we got her cornered and I was finally able to get both hands on her, tho I think she still wanted to play in the fresh dirt!

They are all in and safe and sound now. I will remember that typing a description is far less important than having to get Joey up out of his air conditioning in the future! haha

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